Saplings Forest Playgarden

Saplings uses an eclectic curriculum that combines elements of Forest School, Waldorf Early Childhood Education, Lifeways Early Childhood Education, Montessori, Orff Music Education, Kodaly Music Education, and more. We are outside at least 80% of the day,  rain or shine. We are in the heart of Sebastopol on unceded land of the Pomo/Coast Miwok first nations peoples, in a beautiful small oak woodland. Saplings students engage in stewardship efforts on the land every day. Families are invited to participate in forest stewardship days at the nature preserve.  Children have music and art every day, and play includes elements of air, fire, water and earth.  Come join us! 

About Me

Christina Penrose is a long time advocate for high quality education programs. She is also deeply rooted in Sonoma County.  As part of a project for her M.A. Action for a Viable Future; Music Education for Social Change; Christina founded a free, intensive, after-school Music Education program through the Santa Rosa Symphony. Her experience managing and teaching in Orchestra and Elementary school Music programs for children of all ages has driven her to ask larger questions about Education reform. Social and Environmental Justice have always guided her practices in the world.  She is a certified California Naturalist, and values nature as our greatest teacher.  Christina spends a lot of time immersed in fiber arts, woodworking, gardening, making music, living in community, parenting her two young girls, and tending the land around her as much as possible. 

Saplings Forest Playgarden 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00-1:00  Core program

Monday Forest Day 9:00-1:00 optional stand alone or additional day

Licensed In-home Childcare  #493010212

Nature-based Early Childhood Education
